Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Herb Crusted Salmon with Roasted Root Vegetables (light and healthy!)

My first attempt pan searing salmon was a success! So successful that my step-daughter requested seconds (unfortunately I only bought 3 portions - I will know better next time)! If you and your family are looking for a filling meal that wont make waves with the waistline - this is it, promise! Why? Because I'm crazy about my fat/carb/calorie intake! Like...really crazy...which is sad and great at the same time. Gotta have some balance right? heh...hrm. Anyway. Follow the directions below and do not be alarmed when you see I use spray oil instead of real olive oil - your fish will not be dry, your fish will be moist and taste amazing, guaranteed!

Recipe Deets

3 6-ounce portions wild Alaskan salmon
Gallon sized ziplock bag
Fresh thyme
Italian seasoning mix
Smoked Paprika
Sea salt

Kiwi Mango Salsa
2 kiwi
1 mango
dab of organic orange juice (or fresh squeezed orange juice)
chopped cilantro to taste

Roasted Root Vegetables
4 large carrots cut into "fries"
2 beets (cubed)
2 red peppers (sliced) - yea I know they're not a root veg, but I have approx. 4 large bags of them
Any other root vegetable
Fresh thyme to taste
Fresh parsley to taste

1st - Prepare Vegetables
- Preheat oven to 450°
- Place prepared vegetables on a baking sheet coated with spray oil
- Sprinkle fresh thyme and parsley (to taste)
- Place in oven for 30 minutes

2nd - Prepare Salsa
- While vegetables are cooking, prepare your salsa
- In a small bowl, mix mango, kiwi, orange juice, and cilantro
- Place in 'fridge

3rd - Prepare Salmon
- In ziplock bag, place all seasoning (to taste)
- Throw in each individual portion separately and coat with seasoning
- Place on dish and wait for vegetables to finish roasting

Final Step
- Once vegetables are done, remove from oven and arrange on plates
- Heat large frying pan (medium/high) and coat with spray oil
- Once warm, place each portion on pan and fry each side 3-4 minutes
- Once done, place salmon on plates with a bit of salsa on each

Voila! Now go make yourself a protein baby in yo' belly!

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