Friday, January 23, 2015

Healthy, Toddler-Friendly Banana Blueberry Muffins !

In one 24 hour period (or maybe it was less, like an 8 hour work day, yea, it was less, who am I kidding) my brain suddenly declared, "You, 11 month old infant, will eat food! Real food and not just that puree crap!" So that was it, I texted my husband at work and told him what was happening. He's so used to my wavering interests and sudden bursts of zeal that he calmly responded with something along the lines of an "okay". All the while, I'm practically jumping out of my chair at work, unable to focus on anything else other than neato healthy recipes for the daughter and how fun it's going to be NOT to have to insert a spoon into her face! *insert disturbing look akin to bloodlust*

While her first dinner was super simple due to poor planning and post-work parents, it went amazing! She had organic mac & cheese, steamed broccoli, and steamed apples with cinnamon. She was in heaven. Her little fingers moving more decisively than my brain ever does. Her chipmunk cheeks sneakily storing rations for a later time. All the while, the spouse and I gawked like children ourselves at how amazing life and growth and small human brains can be!
*sigh* ANYWAY.

Recipe Deets (warning, these will be more "dough-like" for soft bebe mouthes)

2 cups organic gluten free oat flour
2 organic bananas (mashed)
1 cup organic frozen or fresh blueberries
1/4 cup raw organic agave
1/4 cup organic unsweetened applesauce
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla 
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 350 F

- combine dry
- combine wet
- combine dry and wet (yadda yadda yadda)
- insert into 12 muffin cups
- bake 20-25 minutes (I know, crazy different times! Make sure toothpick comes out clean)

Feel free to toast the muffins in a toaster oven or on a pan and add a little cream cheese/butter like we did! Mirabelle absolutely LOVED them!

A bit of a side note: Less than one month and counting until I have a 1 year old toddler on my hands...

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