Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dreaming of Younger Days ~ 31 Years of Age in a Week

Time, you sneaky bastard!
So many amazing things have happened in the past 10 years. Also, so many not-so-amazing, but life learning things have occurred. I've grown, changed, evolved, de-evolved, moved forward, moved backward, lived, stagnated, wanted, felt content, settled, strived for more, accomplished good, opted for bad, but...I'm always changing. There has never been a moment, and there never will be, where I say the words "I've finally come to the realization *insert some personal ah-ha! moment*". Why? Because that's the moment I discontinue daydreaming. The moment I stop attempting to better myself. The moment I no longer push those around me to do better, to want more. The moment I give into a ho-hum existence of illuminated blue flashing screens and the New York's Best Sellers List. I may be a bit of a narcissistic little soapbox proclaimer slash self-depricating, dislike-my-physique hormonal roller coaster 'o fun! But I'm me. I don't pretend. I never utter the words "This is it, I'm here" ...because I'm not, there's always more.

More places to see. More foods to try. More people to meet (much to the dislike of my hermit mentality). More to learn. More to EXPERIENCE. My home is where I come to retreat from stimuli. But there is a world out there. I very very large world. And I want in.

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