Monday, October 20, 2014

Gluten Free, Vegan Sweet Potato Choco Chip Brownies

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween. Even as a child, it was mainly about the candy I would gather within 2 hours of going door to door than what costume I would wear. My mother made our costumes throughout childhood and up until high school. She also entered pumpkins into to various school contests, which "we" won a few years in a row until the school caught on and insisted that students decorate their OWN pumpkins (what? 10 year olds can't make a replica of the Tin Man AND Medusa??), let's just say the contests ended there. As I entered college (and after) I went to various parties, but made little attempt at creativity, i.e. zombie Dorothy, white cat, black cat...
So! Perhaps I'm embracing sweet potato more than pumpkin flavors this autumn as my personal endeavor to downplay the already extremely abundant pumpkin-ized food items out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for baking pumpkin as you would a squash and then consuming its insides, but grabbing a buncha cans of pre-made puree isn't my idea of creating an autumnal treat. Or maybe I'm just jealous I cannot consume said treats ;>  booo
Recipe Deets (adapted from a regular brownie recipe)
1/4 cup gluten free rolled oats (pulverize in a food processor)
1/4 cup reg gluten free flour (you can use all oats, but I didn't want to risk a weird texture)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2/3-1 cup sweet potato (about one medium potato baked/skinned/mashed)
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 flax eggies (or two real eggs if not vegan)
3 tbsp coconut oil (or oil of choice, I just prefer coconut)
1/3 cup almond milk (or reg milk if not vegan)
1 tsp baking soda (is this needed? it was in the regular brownie recipe so I used it)
1/3 cup vegan chocolate chips (I used Good Life)
Preheat oven to 350°
- Combine everything except chocolate chips
- Create a smooth batter (I used a hand blender, but that's up to you)
- Fold in chocolate chips
- Place in a square 8x8 or 9x9 greased pan (or whatever according to how thick you want them)
- bake 25 minutes (if you can't pull out a toothpick without a chocolate, sticky mess, they aren't done)
You can add icing of choosing. I just made a simple brown sugar icing, but my step-daughter/husband said they would prefer them without icing...who knew.
Done and done! Now go get yourself a pumpkin latte with a pumpkin muffin along with some salted pumpkin seeds!

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