Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's That Time Again ~ Weightloss Extravaganza!

About two years ago, a friend and myself started a little ol thang we lovingly called "Weightloss Extravaganza." Why? Well we needed to find some way to spice up the idea that we would be reducing our fun-food intake while upping our workout regime.

What makes this time different?

The difference is, I have a lot less to lose. Two years ago I went from 125-128 lbs down to 113-115 lbs, this time around I need to lose about 5 lbs...easy right? NO. Seriously, losing baby weight was easy, just workout and cut out the crap, but once that weight was off, all further weightloss went into remission. My body just wont budge, and it's driving me nuts.

This post is more to give motivation to myself (and others) in hopes of showing my current workout plan along with some diet changes, which I feel will help jump start this thing!

The Workout

Cardio - 3 times a week (running inclines, bleachers, and clocking at least 10-14 miles a week). During the summer I was working out 5-6 days a week, which helped, but not drastically, so I think 3 days is just fine

Resistence Bands/Weights/Planks/etc. - 3 days a week. The cool thing about this little workout is that I can do it when the baby goes to bed and in front of whatever movie/show my husband I may watch (we get 1-2 hours a week night to enjoy some quality butt-on-couch time)

The Food Goodbyes

Bye-bye reconstitued peanut butter. While you're only 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat per 2 tbsp, I eat you like ice cream and you're holding me back

Seeya salty snacks. I know we don't hang out that much anyway, but when we do we go crrrrazy for each other! Don't worry, I'm allowing us some super secret get togethers once a week (shhhh)

Alcohol, we can be great buddies, you sure do cut the stress out of my post-work, post-baby in bed evenings. Don't worry, we ain't breaking up, I'm just limiting our time together! While I enjoy that dinnertime drinky-drink, my metabolism sure doesn't! So here's the deal, you and I will meet up a couple times a week for some pal around time, no feelings hurt ;>

So long Little Bites, we've come a long way together. You've allowed me to enjoy wonderful foods such as pizza, ice cream, fried macaroni and cheese, muffins, cupcakes, chocolate bars, Starburst...you name it, we've tried it! But you, Little Bites, add up! This is something you kept secret from me, and honestly, I'm kind of hurt. Where are you going Little Bites? Into my muffin top? The inside of my thighs? UNDER MY CHIN??? Little Bites, we need a cooling off period. Maybe we will talk again once I'm not so wounded...maybe.

Two Coffees with Cream. Yea. 'Nuff said. One of you per day will do. So shush.

What Will I Eat Allllllll Day??

I'm going to continue to eat what I normally do, minus those mentioned above (huff).

Baked Egg white "muffins" witha bit-o parm cheese
Coffee with cream


Dinner leftovers

Snack (that's right, another snack...shush)
Spring salad mix with some steamed cauliflower/broccoli/carrots OR with pinapple

Dinner (will vary, but here are a few examples)
Baked spicy peppers and asparagus with smoked sweet potato

Cauliflower "rice" baked with squash

Twice baked spaghetti squash with a teeny-bit of cheese

Qunioa with whatever-the-hell-is-in-the-pantry

So there you have it, my little bits of motivation all neatly outlined for your consumption (heh...heh). As I said, I'm not looking to lose 20 lbs, I just want to feel comfortable again, and I believe 5 (or 10) bitty-bits of lost poundage will do just that!

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