Monday, August 4, 2014

Smokey, Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Lately, my family has been on a sweet potato kick. Not only are they easy on the pocket, they're packed with Vitamin A and C, also some B's thrown in there for good measure, and a load of fiber - all around nutritious little sons of get the idea.
This little recipe can be used as a snack, an appetizer, or as my family does it, with a fried egg making it a complete meal!

Recipe Deets

4 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and sliced into wedges)
dash of smoked paprika to taste
salt and pepper to taste
spray oil of choice

- Line a baking pan with tin foil and spray with cooking oil
- Heat oven to 425 degrees
- Spread your potato wedges on the pan, spray with oil, and sprinkle with seaosoning
- Bake for approximately 30-35 minutes until brown and crispy

Super good. Seriously.

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