Sunday, December 28, 2014

Affordable, Light Eats for the New Year x2!

It's the new year soon! So that means resolutions and all that, correct? How about naaaaah?? Let's stop making resolutions and start living our lives how we know we SHOULD? Ok, that's not going to happen either (heh...heh), but at least we can take control over one thing--our bodies.

Recipe #1 Deets

Zucchini Noodle Stir Fry (low fat, low salt, gluten free, vegan, soy free, free of free, not raw)

4 cups zucchini/squash julienned
1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved)
1 white onion diced
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
fresh thyme to taste
fresh parsley to taste (I used dried because I didn't have fresh...wah)

- Cover a large frying pan with spray oil and add onion until translucent (medium heat - 3-5 min)
- Throw in carrots and celery--fry for another 5 minutes
- Throw in tomatoes and zucchini--mix, cover, and reduce heat to low--simmer for about 10 minutes until zucchini has softened
- Add thyme/parsley and up heat to medium--fry for another 5 min
- Serve hot
- Smash in face

Recipe #2 Deets

Zucchini Quinoa Soup (free of anything that makes you worry about weight and tum tums)

6 cups low sodium, organic vegetable broth
1/2 cup quinoa
1/2 cup white onion (chopped)
1/2 cup carrots (chopped)
1/2 cup celery (chopped)
2 cups zucchini/squash julienned
1 bay leaf

- Placed everything in a large pot on medium/high heat
- Once it boils, reduce to medium/low and cook for 30-40 minutes
- Serve hot

GUH! Almost as good as kisses from my baby daughter...if she gave kisses to people and not just inanimate objects...I can dream, right?


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