Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween is for Professionals

In a world of Frozen, superheros, and baby animals (babies as superheros and animals = adorable/amazing/squeezable!) my husband and I decided to go a different route. We didn't have much time to get a costume together, as we had waited last minute and Halloween fell on the same day when we were scheduled to take his daughter up to Pratt in Brooklyn for a college tour (which was a lot of fun!), so we scrambled for an idea! I didn't want to spend money on a costume for her this particular year, because as an 8 month old she isn't Trick or Treating, nor does she care about candy/costumes/festivities, so I mentioned using the surgeon's outfit I had from my own childhood! She would be the smallest, cutest tiny surgeon currently on Earth and that would be easy peasy!

I have to thank my mother-in-law for really pulling it together. She made the head smock out of decorative napkins I already had in the house, and she also went to the local Five & Dime and found a toy medical kit. Everything looked great and Mirabelle got a new toy out of the deal! Win win!

Now that we have all of this Halloween mish mash behind us, now onto my favorite holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

See ya next year for more Last Minute Littlefield decisions...

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