Monday, November 24, 2014

Weightloss Extravaganza ~ 1 Month Update

Welly-well, it's been a bit more than a month since I decided to jumpstart my weightloss again. To recap, my initial goal is to lose 5 lbs. This wont make any huge, drastic difference, I will still be a size 2 pants and a size 4 petite dress,  but I will have slimmed and "things" will just fit better inside of my clothes ha...ha.

I've lost 3 lbs (daaaang, right??) and I've started feeling a lot better about my external self. It should be noted: at a little over 5'2, losing 3 lbs is tough especially because I'm already at what's considered a healthy weight with a BMI of 20.7. So I'm not looking to lose weight for any sort of health reason, because, well, I'm already there! This is for pure, slightly vain, bodily comfort and that's it!

My eating habits have become more controlled in regards to snacking in the evening, and I've opted for foods that don't hurt my stomach and bloat me like a little ol hot air balloon. My workout regime is fairly moderate as it's winter and tough to get outside and run, and I don't own a gym membership. I do manage 2-3 days of outside acitivity each week.


With the holidays around the corner, most people start to worry that their waistline will expand with their level of merriment, but I've never had that problem mainly due to my disinterest in baked goods and heavy cream filled concoctions. Once I reach my 5 lb goal, which I hope to accomplish mid-december, I will look ahead to my next goal of 10 lbs. That's a ways away because I'm certainly not going to sacrifice my best bud Goldfish or my other buddy-roo vodka anytime soon! So cheers to little salty face and their grain alcohol counterpart!
sweet work bathrom picy, duuuude

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