Saturday, April 11, 2015

Raw Zucchini Pasta w/Marinara ~ 1st Day RawTill4!

It's time to reset the mental and physical clocks! Winter is over, the weather is starting to creep into the 60s, and I'm ready to break free from some bad habits I've held on to for the past few months!

Bad Habits 101 

1. Bad habits are sneaky - one day they're like "hey, I'm new here, would you mind showing me around?" And before you know it you're their best friend, they can't do anything without you, you've shown them the best of times and without you life just wouldn't be worth living...

2. Bad Habits are rude - they only take take take. They demand this, and want that! Oh I'm sorry are you busy trying to do something beneficial for yourself? Too bad! Bad Habit here needs some YOU time...N.O.W. 

3. Bad Habits like salty snacks all day. Like even at 2 am. As I said, they're rude.

4. Bad Habits make you eat your toddler's snacks in mass amounts because they don't care who else may need them (psst...the toddler).

5. Bad Habits eat dinner, dessert, and second desserts even when full. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE A BAD HABIT!

6. Bad Habits give you tummy aches because they tell you to consume things that they know will make your insides cry (i.e. stuffs that contain sesame...ugh)

7. Bad Habits are costly and create larger-than-life food budgets

So - how did I make it through the past 3 months without gaining a pound and actually losing a few inches round the ol waist? Lots of gym time, lots of crash diets, lots of skipping meals, lots of poor dietary decisions that I knew wouldn't last.

Well here we are - day one of RawTill4! I'm hoping that eating only raw vegan foods from my waking moments until 4pm will aid me in reseting the internal clock so that my cravings for salt/caffeine/anything that fits in my mouth...will subside. Generally the RawTill4 diet involves eating a million calories during the day and high carb/low fat at night. Lots of bananas, lots of dates, fruits a la all the time, smoothies fo' life, 100 ounces of water, etc etc...well I ain't doing it that way. As with almost anything I set out to do, I tend to change things up to fit my life and what I know about my body. Plus bananas and smoothies all the times sounds boring. And I'm easily bored...

So! Along with regular healthy recipes, I will be including my raw food journey and posting recipes I've come up with as I move along.

Recipe Deets (you will need a spiralizer or some contraption to spiralize the zucchini)

- 2-3 medium zucchini
- a bit of sea salt

- 4 roma tomatoes
- 1 shallot (diced)
- 2 cloves garlic (sliced)
- handful of sundried tomatoes
- handful of chopped cilantro
- bit of sea salt

1. Spiral your zucchini and place in colander. Cover with a bit of sea salt and allow to sit while water drains. You may need to press the noodles with paper towels.
2. In a high speed blender add all marinara ingredients and blend until smooth
3. Place noodles in a bowl and top with sauce - feel free to add some cherry tomatoes and basil!

Now go get a coffee at 4pm on the dot like I did, because coffee is awesome and only lame people think they can avoid caffeine allllll day!

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