Sunday, June 30, 2013

Five Weeks With Bebe ~ New and Old Eats

How else should I spend my first post of this blog other than on my favorite subject: FOOD! When initially finding out I was on my way to carrying a mini hu-mon in my belly, I instantly began to mentally review every single item of edible consumption, the good, the bad, the beneficial, the practically nutritionally useless and so on. The only red flags consisted of sugar free gum, alcohol, my occasional sushi consumption, cappuccino, and various preservative filled foods (i.e., Goldfish, pretzels, non-organic ketchup, etc.), so I let them go with a swift wave of my hand and decided to embrace foods I was already accustomed to eating, but would integrate them into my everyday lifestyle.

Easy peasy.

Oh-so-beautiful kale! I recently purchased a dehydrator and went right to work on creating healthy, low fat, low calorie, low carbohydrate snacks for work and home. First, kale seasoned with nutritional yeast! The entire process (including dehydrating) takes approximately two hours. The great thing about using a dehydrator instead of a conventional oven: all your vitamins, nutrients, and active enzymes are still alive!
Super amazing. I seriously, and most honestly consumed half a gallon sized bag of dried one should have to witness this, it's a massacre.
Dehydrated red peppers are my next favorite! They go well with egg whites, and also as little finger foods.
The catch? They take upwards of five hours to dehydrate. Blah! And more blahs! They good though. Like really.
Now about water. I didn't like water prior to having baby in tummy, and I don't like it now! Yet, I consume 60-70 ounces a day turning me into a giant water balloon. It's quite distressing actually! Ha! So, I decided to mix it up and make some watermelon basil water since my basil garden has completely out done itself this year.

The contraption I used to create this little juicy-juice was given to me by the spouse for Christmas. It's called the Aquazinger! Super fancy!

Essentially you stick fruit in the bottom (which has some metal teef), then you fill the 'thang with cold, purified water, allow to steep for 15-30 minutes and voila! Fruit flavored water!

I will be trying many more combinations, as my interests tend to wane quickly. But as long as I don't have to consume plain old icky water everyday, I will be satisfied.

Above is the essential "new" elements to my diet. Some of the old include egg white "muffins" with basil and hot sauce, apples, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, and the occasional bite of a raw Lara Bar (usually the Cherry Torte). Prior to pregnancy I was very aware of eating healthy, moderately, and maintaining my weight. While I know that's an impossibility to maintain any sort of semblance of your normal physique during baby-making time, I'm going to attempt to be regimental with my eating and exercise so that I may keep my body in tip-top shape throughout the 40 or so weeks!

Here I am at 5 weeks (going into my 6th): hovering happily between 115.2-116.2 (all belly-progress photos after this will be done in a black tank top so to remain uniform...exciting!)


  1. Eat apples! They say apples during pregnancy can help prevent allergies. I don't know how. I ate lots of apples and so far, Xander has no allergies or food sensitivities. (Knock on wood!)

    1. that's just perfect because I happen to eat one-two a day!
