Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Protein Blast! Curried Coconut Quinoa with Black Beans ~ Toddler Approved!

Let's just get this out in the open: this meal was inspired by diaper rash. Not just any ol diaper rash, but the very painful, tears in my daughter's eyes kind of rash that makes diaper changes horrible for both parents and baby. So yea, no good at all! I did a little research and realized that citrus and acidic foods may worsen a rash on a little baby's bottom, and while Mirabelle has no known allergies, she had been consuming mass amounts of strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, and tomatoes. Poor little bean.

So! I immediately came up with a meal using ingredients I already had on hand (minus the avocado) that would be dense in nutrients and low in rash-causing acids!

Recipe Deets
1 cup uncooked  organic quinoa
1 can organic black beans (drained and rinsed)
2 cups organic low sodium vegetable broth (or water)
1/2 diced white onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tbsp (or more to taste) curry powder
1 tbsp organic coconut oil

Side Suggestions
baked butternut squash
avocado (lightly salted with pink himalayan  sea salt)

- In a medium sauce pan, bring to a boil vegetable broth (or water), quinoa, and curry powder. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer until broth/water is absorbed (approximately 15 minutes)
- Once quinoa is cooked, remove from heat and set aside
- In a large frying pan, heat coconut oil for 30 seconds on medium heat
- Add onion and fry for a few minutes until soft
- Add black beans and garlic, fry for a couple minutes
- Lastly, add quinoa and stir all ingredients together
- Fry everything for another 5 minutes and feel free to add a bit more coconut oil for moisture

Serve hot for adults and warm for baby mouths! I added baked butternut squash (cut, skin, and cube fresh butternut squash. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top and bake for 15 minutes in an oven at 450°) and lightly salted avocado. My 1 year old went crazy, and my husband spooned mouthful after mouthful of quinoa directly from the pan because he was "tasting" it ha...ha

Now go enjoy something that's not gonna put a rash on your bottom!

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