While I wanted to wait until 12 weeks showed it's wonderful, energy-inducing, no more food aversion face - I decided to jump on the Now! bandwagon while the creativity (well more so the motivation) was a-flowin' and take the announcement photo with two of my favorite pregnancy supporters: my husband and step-daughter.
Most of the announcement photos I've seen usually involve husband + wife or wife alone. I wanted to make sure that Asa was involved because she was there the day I found out my belly was carry a tiny person, and she has been oh-so helpful throughout this entire 1st trimester. And let's face it, I never want to exclude Asa or make her feel as though she isn't numero uno in the Littlefield household!
Ahem. Not the most flattering photo, but I want to keep track of my ever enlarging abdominal area. While I lost three pounds in the 1st trimester, I have gained between 1.5-2 lbs of what was lost. It was inevitable!
I can still get away with hiding any differences in body change, as I'm floating around 115-116 lbs. Let's hope it stays that way for a while because I'm not ready to give up on summer-wear yet!
Here's to a smoother, more energetic 2nd trimester!